Helping Music Services support music learning across their communities

Music Services


Charanga has been working closely with Music Services since its inception in 1996. We are big supporters.

Countries without local authority Music Services look on with envy at a system that provides opportunity and value for ordinary families wanting to access high-quality music learning for their children.

Financial support for instrumental learning from the Scottish government means demands on Music Service resources are greater than ever. Wider access to music technology, too, means this demand takes on ever more diverse forms, with music creation and production being one of the fastest-growing areas.

Putting learners at the centre and exploring how they can best access help with their musical development, inevitably highlights just how much of an important role schools have to play alongside Music Services.

Charanga’s multi-faceted and locally customisable online platform helps Music Services and schools create a wider variety of entry points, ultimately allowing more learners to begin their musical journey.

Several years ago, we decided to radically change our YMI offer and use Charanga as the main deliverer to provide the Primary target. It’s rolling out very, very successfully, as we assumed it would, but what has taken us by surprise is how effective it is to pull together all the different music offers that local authorities have. So in Perth & Kinross, we’ve got the YMI provision, the Instrumental Music provision, the Visiting Specialists provision, and what goes on in the classroom in the Primaries as part of their curriculum. Charanga is a fantastic tool and mechanism for pulling all that together.

Allan Young, Music Coordinator for Perth & Kinross Council

Contact Mark Cardy, Charanga’s Head of Education Partnerships, to explore the possibilities and how we might support you.